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Company News | 2024/05/16

Three bands of ultraviolet UV-LED and ten application areas(1)

The Ultraviolet Rays (UV) are the visible rays of the sun's rays (red, orange, yellow, green, cyan, blue, purple), outside the purple, invisible to the naked eye.

UV is a general term for radiation in the electromagnetic spectrum with wavelengths ranging from 10nm to 400nm. According to the different wavelength, UV is generally divided into UV-A, UV-B, UV-C three bands, as follows: UV-A is 400 ~ 315 nm, UV-B is 315 ~ 280 nm, UV-C is 280 ~ 100 nm. Corresponding to different wavelengths, the specific application is different.

In the UV-LED market applications, UV-A has the largest market share, up to 90%. Its main application market is curing, involving nail art, teeth, ink printing and other fields. In addition, UV-A also introduces commercial lighting, which can make white clothes look whiter.

UV-B is mainly used to produce some medical products, such as ultraviolet health care. UV-C is widely used in hospitals, air conditioning systems, disinfection cabinets, water treatment equipment, drinking fountains, sewage treatment plants, swimming pools, food and beverage processing and packaging equipment, food factories, cosmetics factories, dairy factories, breweries, beverage factories, bakeries and cold rooms and other fields. Specifically, there are the following aspects of application.

1 Application field of light curing system

The typical application of UV-A band is UV curing and UV inkjet printing, representing the wavelength of 395nm, 365nm, UV LED light curing applications include UV adhesive curing in the display, electronic medical, instruments and other industries; UV coating curing in building materials, furniture, home appliances, automobiles and other industries; UV ink curing in printing, packaging and other industries......

Today, the UV LED panel industry has become a hot spot, the biggest advantage is that it can produce zero formaldehyde environmentally friendly plate, and energy saving 90%, large output, coin scratch resistance, comprehensive economic benefits and other advantages. This means that the UV LED curing market is a full range and full cycle application product market.

2 Medical Field

Skin treatment: An important application of the UV-B band is the treatment of skin diseases, that is, ultraviolet phototherapy applications.

Scientists found that UV with a wavelength of about 310nm has a strong dark spot effect on the skin, which can accelerate the metabolism of the skin and improve the growth of the skin, so as to effectively treat vitiligo, pityriasis rosea, pleomorphic solar rash, chronic actinic dermatitis, photolinear prurigo and other light skin diseases, so in the medical industry, UV phototherapy has been applied more and more.

Medical devices: UV glue bonding makes it easier to economically automate the assembly of medical devices. Now, the advanced LED UV light source system, which can cure ultraviolet glue without solvent in a few seconds, and the dispensing system, make the medical device assembly process to form a consistent and repeatable bonding whic is an effective and economical method.

3 Disinfection field

Due to the short wavelength and high energy, UV-C band can destroy the molecular structure of DNA(deoxyribonucleic acid) or RNA(ribonucleic acid) in the cells of the microbial body (bacteria, viruses, spores and other pathogens) in a short time, and the cells cannot regenerate, and the bacteria and viruses lose the ability to self-replicate. Therefore, UV-C band products can be widely used in water, air and other disinfection.

At present, some deep ultraviolet application products on the market include LED deep ultraviolet portable sterilizer, LED deep ultraviolet toothbrush sterilizer, deep ultraviolet LED contact lens cleaning sterilizer, air sterilization, clean water sterilization, food and object surface sterilization. With the improvement of people's awareness of safety and health, the demand for these products will be greatly increased, thus creating a larger market.

4 Military Field

Because the UV-C band belongs to the sun-blind ultraviolet band, it also has important applications in the military, such as short-range ultraviolet secure communication, ultraviolet interference, ultraviolet warning technology.

Ultraviolet (UV) communication: Ultraviolet communication is a new communication method with great development potential. It has many advantages that other conventional communication methods do not have, such as low eavesdropping rate, high anti-interference, low discrimination rate, all-weather work, etc., so it has been widely valued by departments with high requirements for communication confidentiality and mobility.

Ultraviolet (UV) jamming: The emergence of ultraviolet two-color guided missiles inevitably leads to the development of infrared - ultraviolet two-color jamming technology. The key of ultraviolet jamming is to develop a powder with strong ultraviolet radiation and to make a jamming bomb with ultraviolet jamming ability.

Ultraviolet (UV) Warning: The UV alarm detects the target by detecting ultraviolet (UV) radiation in the missile's tail flame and lists the tail flame radiation characteristics of missiles using different fuels at low altitude. Active alarms that rely on radar work and passive alarms that include infrared, laser, and ultraviolet (UV) alarms.

5 Plant factory field

According to Liu Wenke, a researcher at the Institute of Agricultural Environment and Sustainable Development of the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, enclosed soillless cultivation is prone to the accumulation of autotoxic substances, while TiO2 photocatalytic degradation of root secretions and rice husk degradation products in the cultivation nutrient solution of degradable substrate, sunlight contains only 3% ultraviolet light, and facilities covering materials such as glass filter out more than 60% cannot be applied within the facility; The low temperature and low light in winter make it low efficiency and poor stability, which can not meet the needs of vegetable factory production.

It is urgent to develop an artificial phototio2 photocatalytic system suitable for soilless cultivation in facility horticulture, especially for plant factories, and has great commercialization potential. As of June 2015, China has built more than 80 plant factories, and several hundred thousand hectares of greenhouse cultivation.

Five more areas do you know what they are? Stay tuned!

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Shenzhen Hechuang Hitech CO., LTD.
Toll Free +86-755 2850 4426

Shenzhen Hechuang Hitech CO., LTD. is a National High-tech Enterprise, which has won a number of invention patent technology awards.  We focuses on the Research, Development, Production and Application of UVC-LED Technology. It adopts innovative technologies of revolutionary optics and fluid science, which can kill bacteria and viruses in 0.2 seconds, with a killing rate of 99.9999%. Hechuang Hitech provides safer, more efficient and more humanized sterilization module design for Water Air and Surface Disinfection products.