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Company News | 2024/09/27

UV sterilization and high temperature sterilization?

UVC sterilization and high temperature sterilization have their advantages and disadvantages and are suitable for different scenarios. The choice of which method is better depends on the bactericidal goal, application scenario, material tolerance and specific requirements for bactericidal effect. Here's how the two compare:

1. Sterilization principle

· Ultraviolet sterilization: The main use of UVC band (200-280nm) ultraviolet light, through the destruction of microbial DNA or RNA, inhibit its reproduction and growth. Ultraviolet light is a physical sterilization method commonly used to sterilize surfaces, air, and water.

· High temperature sterilization: By heating objects to a certain temperature (usually above 60°C), the proteins of bacteria and viruses are denatured by high temperatures, resulting in cell death. High temperature sterilization is often used for the disinfection of food, liquids or equipment, especially in the food industry.


2. Bactericidal effect

· Ultraviolet sterilization: ultraviolet light has a strong killing effect on most bacteria, viruses, molds and other microorganisms, especially in air, surface and water treatment, but it is mainly effective on the area of exposure and cannot be deeply bactericidal. It cannot penetrate opaque objects or accumulated dirt, so clean surfaces and air circulation are needed to ensure bactericidal effect.

· High temperature sterilization: high temperature can effectively kill most microorganisms, including heat-resistant bacteria. The advantage of high temperature sterilization is that it can thoroughly penetrate liquid or solid substances to achieve comprehensive internal and external disinfection.


3. Application scenario

· ultraviolet sterilization: suitable for air, water treatment, object surface disinfection, medical equipment sterilization and other objects or environments that are not resistant to high temperature. Common in hospitals, laboratories, air conditioning systems, drinking water treatment, food packaging and other fields.

· High temperature sterilization: It is often used in food processing, beverage sterilization (such as pasteurization), laboratory sterilization (autoclave) and other scenes that require internal sterilization of objects. Suitable for high temperature resistant materials and substances such as glassware, metal tools and food.


4. Impact on materials

· ultraviolet sterilization: Because ultraviolet light is a light wave, it has no thermal effect on most solid substances, so it does not change the physical properties of the object. However, prolonged exposure to UVC may accelerate the aging of certain plastics, rubber and other materials. The UV resistance linearity of the material needs to be considered.

· High temperature sterilization: High temperature may cause damage or deformation to some heat-resistant materials (such as plastics, rubber, etc.), especially in the case of high temperature or long heating time. Not suitable for items that are easily damaged by heat.


5. Ease of operation

· ultraviolet sterilization: simple operation, only through ultraviolet irradiation can achieve sterilization effect. It does not require special conditions such as high temperature and pressure, and is convenient for quick disinfection on site. It can be installed in air purifiers, air conditioners and other equipment, automatic control.

· High temperature sterilization: requires specialized equipment and environment, such as steam sterilizers or heating units. High-temperature disinfection requires a certain amount of time to warm up and maintain a sufficient temperature, and the operation is more complex, especially if the temperature needs to be accurately controlled.


6. Sterilization time

· Ultraviolet sterilization: Sterilization can usually be done in seconds to minutes, but you need to make sure that the light is able to reach all surfaces. If occluded or shaded, UV rays may not be able to kill hidden microorganisms.

· High temperature sterilization: takes a long time, depending on the temperature and the nature of the object to be sterilized. For example, pasteurization generally needs to be heated above 60°C and held for a certain time, while autoclave sterilization may take 15-30 minutes.


7. Security

· Ultraviolet sterilization: Although UVC light is effective in killing bacteria, it is harmful to direct exposure to humans and may cause skin burns or eye damage. Therefore, protective measures need to be taken during operation to avoid direct exposure to ultraviolet light.

· high temperature sterilization: the risk of high temperature to human safety is mainly scalding, so pay attention to avoid direct contact with high temperature equipment or items during operation. High temperature sterilization is relatively safe, as long as it is carried out in accordance with the operating specifications.


8. Environmental impact

· ultraviolet sterilization: does not produce harmful substances or chemical residues, is an environmentally friendly disinfection method. There is no pollution emission during use, but UVC light is potentially harmful to the human body and eyes, and safety protection is needed.

· High temperature sterilization: It is also an environmentally friendly disinfection method, but in food or liquid processing, it may lead to the loss of some nutrients or flavor, such as vitamins, enzymes and other high-temperature sensitive ingredients.



· UV sterilization: Suitable for situations requiring rapid disinfection, especially in air, surface, water treatment and temperature-sensitive materials. It is suitable for sterilization of equipment or materials that are not resistant to high temperature, and is also suitable for installation in equipment for continuous sterilization.

· high temperature sterilization: suitable for thorough disinfection of high temperature resistant materials and food, especially in the food and beverage industry, laboratories, hospitals and other places common, can effectively kill the internal and external microorganisms of the object.

Conclusion: UV sterilization and high temperature sterilization have their own advantages. Ultraviolet light is suitable for materials that are not heat resistant and scenarios that require rapid sterilization, while high-temperature sterilization is suitable for situations that require deep disinfection, high-temperature objects or food. According to the specific needs and application environment, you can choose a more appropriate disinfection method.

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Shenzhen Hechuang Hitech CO., LTD.
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Shenzhen Hechuang Hitech CO., LTD. is a National High-tech Enterprise, which has won a number of invention patent technology awards.  We focuses on the Research, Development, Production and Application of INNEST UVC-LED Technology. It adopts innovative technologies of revolutionary optics and fluid science, which can kill bacteria and viruses in 0.2 seconds, with a sterilization rate of 99.999%. Hechuang Hitech provides safer, more efficient and more humanized sterilization module design for Water Air and Surface Disinfection products.