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Company News | 2023/04/13

What Bacteria Can Be Found in Drinking Water?-Disinfection of water

Most people assume that public water is always bacteria-free. After all, public water systems are designed to deliver water that is safe to drink and to use for daily tasks like bathing and brushing your teeth. However, bacteria and other contaminants can sometimes contaminate households with public water. When this happens, residents with public water will likely receive a boil water advisory to alert them that the water is not safe to consume.

Homeowners with well water often do not consider the need to keep their water bacteria-free. However, without proper water treatment and maintenance, bacteria often enters homes with well water. In our area, approximately 1 in 6 wells are found to contain bacteria when tested. Your water supply could also become contaminated after a flood or another disaster.

Fortunately, it’s relatively simple to ensure your water is safe to drink. Here’s a look at some of the common microorganisms that can be found in your drinking water and how to detect them.

Microorganisms That Can Be Found in Drinking Water

We, of course, want our water to run clear from the taps in our homes, but there can be more than meets the eye in your drinking water. What are some of the main microorganisms potentially found in drinking water?





Two main groups of bacteria found in tap water are:

1. Coliform Bacteria

2. Heterotrophic Bacteria



1. Adenovirus

2. Hepatitis

3. Norovirus

4. Rotavirus



1. Cryptosporidium

2. Giardia



Treating Your Water for Microorganisms




Ultraviolet Systems

Ultraviolet (UV) light water treatment is another way to disinfect drinking water physically. UV systems have demonstrated efficacy against protozoans like Crypto and Giardia, as well as various bacteria and viruses. These systems typically involve prefiltering the water. Any suspended particles in the water can make UV disinfection less effective. After filtration, UV lamps are used to treat the water. The UV light disrupts the cellular function of microorganisms, rendering them unable to grow in your water system.

UV water disinfection systems do not alter the taste of your drinking water, and they work without the use of any chemicals, like chlorine. The systems are also relatively compact, low-maintenance, energy-efficient and environmentally safe.


Get Access to Healthy and Safe Water With HC HITECH


For more information, inquiries or to book an interview please  Contact:
Shenzhen Hechuang Hitech CO., LTD.
Toll Free +86-755 2850 4426

Shenzhen Hechuang Hitech CO., LTD. is a National High-tech Enterprise, which has won a number of invention patent technology awards.  We focuses on the Research, Development, Production and Application of UVC-LED Technology. It adopts innovative technologies of revolutionary optics and fluid science, which can kill bacteria and viruses in 0.2 seconds, with a killing rate of 99.9999%. Hechuang Hitech provides safer, more efficient and more humanized sterilization module design for Water Air and Surface Disinfection products.


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