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Company News | 2023/06/21

Why is a water purifier needed?

First, domestic water includes four aspects of drinking, eating, washing and bathing, and the kitchen water only meets the health of the main side of drinking water, which is to say  1/4 of the domestic water problem is solved by kitchen water. And how about the rest 3/4?

Second, it is known that the skin is absorbent, and also have such common sense that  those take bath in the unclean river, reservoir or swimming pool are easy to get a variety of diseases. This is because there are harmful substances in the water to penetrate the skin into the human body. Do you know the percentage of harmful substances in the water through bathing into the skin into the human body?  The United States famous water expert, nutritionist Martin gave the answer is 63%.

Third,with the heavy water pollution situation all over the world, still the treatment process of tap water has basically kept unchanged for many years resulting in poor quality of tap water in most of the countries, coupled with the secondary pollution caused by water pipelines and reservoirs during the transportation process, tap water is best to be re-purified before use.

Fourth, the use of clean water in washing and showering without harmful substances to the human body  effectively remove the acidic waste generated by cell metabolism, preventing the deposition of pigment, make the skin smooth and delicate maintain beauty and keep young, and improve constipation, hypertension, gout, excessive stomach acid and so on also has an auxiliary therapeutic effect. No wonder some people say that water is the best beauty.

Household water purifiers generally only meet the needs of the family's daily drinking and eating water. However, bacteria and viruses in daily life are not only from the mouth, in fact, there are all kinds of water safety in our lives, tap water supply to the home, in fact, there is a secondary pollution of the water pipeline and reservoir, so we shower and wash vegetables, will give bacteria and viruses can take advantage of. Therefore, for people who pursue health and high quality of life, only installing home water filter is not enough. The whole house Water Purification System / Water Purifier/UVC-LED Sterilizer for Water Treatment can purify the tap water of all places in the whole house such as kitchen, bathroom, balcony, living room, etc., to meet the needs of the family's daily drinking, eating, washing, bathing and other all-round water purification needs, so many people install the whole house water purification system. How about you?


For more information, inquiries or to book an interview please  Contact:
Shenzhen Hechuang Hitech CO., LTD.
Toll Free +86-755 2850 4426

Shenzhen Hechuang Hitech CO., LTD. is a National High-tech Enterprise, which has won a number of invention patent technology awards.  We focuses on the Research, Development, Production and Application of UVC-LED Technology. It adopts innovative technologies of revolutionary optics and fluid science, which can kill bacteria and viruses in 0.2 seconds, with a killing rate of 99.9999%. Hechuang Hitech provides safer, more efficient and more humanized sterilization module design for Water Air and Surface Disinfection products.