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Company News | 2024/07/15

Benefits of Using Quartz Material for UV LED Germicidal Beads

UV LED germicidal beads often use quartz material for the glass encapsulation due to several key benefits that enhance the performance and longevity of the LEDs. Here are the primary reasons and benefits:

Benefits of Using Quartz Material for UV LED Germicidal Beads

1. High UV Transmittance

  • Excellent UV Transmission: Quartz glass has a high transmittance for UV light, particularly in the UVC range (200-280 nm), which is crucial for effective germicidal action. This ensures that a maximum amount of UV light emitted by the LED passes through the encapsulation material, thereby enhancing the sterilization efficiency.

2. Thermal Stability

  • High Thermal Resistance: Quartz can withstand high temperatures without degrading or deforming. UV LEDs generate heat during operation, and quartz’s ability to maintain its structural integrity under high temperatures ensures the longevity and reliability of the LEDs.

3. Chemical Resistance

  • Resistance to Corrosion: Quartz is highly resistant to chemical corrosion, which makes it durable in various environments, including those with harsh chemicals. This property ensures that the encapsulation material does not degrade over time, maintaining the performance of the UV LED.

4. UV Stability

  • Durability under UV Exposure: Unlike some other materials, quartz does not degrade or change color when exposed to prolonged UV radiation. This UV stability is crucial for maintaining the transparency and effectiveness of the germicidal LED over its lifetime.

5. Mechanical Strength

  • High Durability: Quartz has a high mechanical strength and can withstand physical shocks and impacts better than many other glass types. This makes it a robust choice for protecting the delicate components of the UV LED.

6. Low Thermal Expansion

  • Minimal Expansion and Contraction: Quartz has a low coefficient of thermal expansion, meaning it does not expand or contract significantly with temperature changes. This property helps in maintaining a stable structure and prevents stress or cracks in the encapsulation.

Practical Applications and Examples

  • Water Purification Systems: In water purification, quartz-encapsulated UV LEDs ensure efficient sterilization by allowing maximum UV light penetration. The durability and chemical resistance of quartz also prevent degradation from contact with water and other substances.
  • Air Purification Devices: Quartz-encapsulated UV LEDs in air purifiers maintain high performance and longevity, effectively sterilizing air without the risk of the material degrading from constant UV exposure.
  • Surface Disinfection: Portable and fixed surface disinfection devices use quartz-encapsulated UV LEDs for reliable and effective sterilization of medical equipment, food processing surfaces, and everyday objects.


Quartz is chosen for UV LED germicidal beads due to its excellent UV transmittance, high thermal stability, chemical resistance, UV stability, mechanical strength, and low thermal expansion. These properties ensure that the UV LEDs perform efficiently and reliably over a long period, making quartz an ideal material for encapsulating germicidal LEDs.

For more information, inquiries or to book an interview please  Contact:
Shenzhen Hechuang Hitech CO., LTD.
Toll Free +86-769 8208 2301 / +86-769 8208 2380

Shenzhen Hechuang Hitech CO., LTD. is a National High-tech Enterprise, which has won a number of invention patent technology awards.  We focuses on the Research, Development, Production and Application of UVC-LED Technology. It adopts innovative technologies of revolutionary optics and fluid science, which can kill bacteria and viruses in 0.2 seconds, with a sterilization rate of 99.999%. Hechuang Hitech provides safer, more efficient and more humanized sterilization module design for Water Air and Surface Disinfection products.