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Company News | 2024/07/19

Which viruses are most effective against which UV lamps?

Ultraviolet lamps, especially UVC lamps, have a strong bactericidal effect on a variety of bacteria. The following is an overview of the bactericidal effect of ultraviolet lamps on some major pathogens:

1. Bacteria

*Escherichia coli: Escherichia coli is a common pathogen, and UVC lamp has a remarkable bactericidal effect on it.

*Staphylococcus aureus: Staphylococcus aureus is a common cause of skin infections and other illnesses. UVC lamp has an efficient bactericidal effect on it.

*Salmonella : Salmonella is common in food contamination, and the UVC lamp is effective at inactivating the bacterium, reducing the risk of food poisoning.

*Pseudomonas aeruginosa: commonly known as Pseudomonas aeruginosa, a Gram-negative bacterium, is a common opportunistic pathogen in clinical practice. UVC lamp has a very good bactericidal effect on it.

2. Viruses

*Influenza virus: UVC lamp has a strong killing effect on influenza virus, and can effectively reduce the spread of influenza.

*Coronaviruses: Coronaviruses, including SARS-CoV-2, are sensitive to UVC light, and UVC lamps can effectively inactivate these viruses and reduce their transmission.

*Norovirus: Norovirus is a common pathogen that causes acute gastroenteritis. UVC lamp has a remarkable inactivation effect on it.

3. Fungi

*Aspergillus niger: Aspergillus Niger is a common mold, and UVC lamps can effectively inhibit its growth and reproduction.

*Candida spp. Candida SPP. : Candida SPP is a common pathogen of fungal infection. UVC lamp has good bactericidal effect on candida SPP.

4. Protozoa

*Cryptosporidium: Cryptosporidium is a protozoa that causes water-borne diseases, and UVC lights are effective in inactivating its spores.

*Giardia lamblia: Giardia lamblia is also a common water-borne pathogenic protozoa, and UVC lamps have a highly effective inactivation effect on its spores.


The principle of ultraviolet sterilization

UVC inhibits the ability to reproduce and survive by damaging the DNA and RNA structure of bacteria. The specific process is as follows:

UV absorption: Bacteria absorb UVC photons, causing chemical bonds in their DNA/RNA molecules to break.

dimerization: UV-induced chemical bond breaks cause adjacent bases in the DNA/RNA strand to form dimers, such as thymine dimers, which hinder DNA replication and RNA transcription.

Reproduction inhibition: Damaged DNA/RNA cannot replicate properly, and the bacteria lose the ability to reproduce, thus achieving bactericidal effect.


Application field

Uv lamps are widely used for disinfection and sterilization in the following areas:

*Medical environment: air and surface disinfection in operating rooms, wards, laboratories, etc.

*Water treatment: sterilization of drinking water and wastewater treatment.

*Food processing: Disinfection of food processing equipment and production environment.

*Air purification: Sterilization in domestic and commercial air purification equipment.

*Daily necessities: mobile phone sterilizer, toothbrush sterilizer and other portable disinfection equipment.



Ultraviolet lamps, especially UVC lamps, have significant bactericidal effects on various bacteria, viruses, fungi and protozoa. It is widely used in medical, food, water treatment and daily disinfection and other fields, by destroying the DNA and RNA of bacteria, inhibit its reproduction ability, to achieve the purpose of efficient sterilization.

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Shenzhen Hechuang Hitech CO., LTD.
Toll Free +86-769 8208 2301 / +86-769 8208 2380

Shenzhen Hechuang Hitech CO., LTD. is a National High-tech Enterprise, which has won a number of invention patent technology awards.  We focuses on the Research, Development, Production and Application of INNEST UVC-LED Technology. It adopts innovative technologies of revolutionary optics and fluid science, which can kill bacteria and viruses in 0.2 seconds, with a sterilization rate of 99.999%. Hechuang Hitech provides safer, more efficient and more humanized sterilization module design for Water Air and Surface Disinfection products.